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LinkedIn cold messaging – How To Get The Best Results

Welcome back! Today we will continue with our series about LinkedIn cold messaging!

In case you didn’t have the chance to read our previous blog article about what to consider before starting LinkedIn cold messaging, you can have a look right there! 

Now that you are ready to get started, let’s see how to send the perfect LinkedIn cold message.  Stay tuned because the next blog post will include ready-to-use templates  to immediately boost your results! 

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

The Most Important For The Right LinkedIn Cold Messaging: Make It Personal!

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When cold messaging on LinkedIn and writing your first message, please note it is never about you, but always about the person you are writing to. So in other words that means: Make it personal! With being personal you will stand out from the jungle of LinkedIn cold-messages.

Probably, there is one question popping into your mind right now: How to be personal if I send automatic messages to a certain number of people?

Easy! Since you should have separated your audience by now into different segments, you know all of them have at least one thing in common: The factor on which you separated them. 

Based on this, your first message – the cold message – can be written on a more personal level, so that the LinkedIn cold message might not even seem too cold. 

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Find Common Ground With Your LinkedIn Lead

To make it even warmer, you can look for similarities between YOU and the company and approach them that way!


We set up a campaign considering the tourism and travel industry as an audience. Lisa, our campaign intern, had something in common with them – that she worked her whole life with her parents in exactly that industry. That way she wrote the first connection message more warmly, stressed the fact that they have something in common and mentioned what. As a result, compared to the first campaign she set up, she got double responses and could work further with these leads! 


Common interests are possible to find as well when connecting with people that you share an interest with already. In the best case that means: Connect with people who already know your company and already liked some posts or comments, people who follow you or your company’s page, but also people who follow the same hashtags as you do, and people who are in the same groups as you are.

Exciting Stuff: How To Use Psychology When Cold-Messaging?

You Have The Solution

When cold messaging you need to approach your leads knowing and mentioning  some current pain points they have. Making sure they know that you, your company, has exactly the product and/or service that solves their problem! This way they will catch interest at first sight and keep reading your message.

Make It Interactive

Moreover, make it interactive! Do not just talk about yourself, explain what your job, product, nor what your service is about. Rather explain why you can help, which problem you can solve, and ask questions, so that the person you are texting to feels motivated and encouraged to answer. We all know spam-looking messages that do not require an answer, because most of the time it is an informative cold-message only. But! – What if you make it informative and engaging at the same time? – Exactly! They want to answer, because you approached them in the right way. You approached them in a way that requires them to answer!

Ask For Help

In addition, while referring to their pain point, it can be smart to approach them asking for their help. Many people love helping because it makes them feel better about themselves. If you ask them for help, they will feel entitled to give you advice, which will automatically result in answering your cold-message and interaction which hopefully ends in a conversation and thus, in a meeting or phone call.

Make It Clear

Lastly, you are asking them to read your cold-message and you want your audience to interact with you. Therefore, make it as easy as possible for your audience to read your message. In other words, after reading your message, you should have made clear what exactly you want and you should have given them all the information they need. Telling them to let you know their availability is for that reason not a good way to end the message. Instead mention your availability, so that they can just pick a time slot and adapt to that! See what we mean? Make it as easy as possible for them, so that they don’t have to ‘’do’’ something when you are the one wanting something from them.

These are ways to use psychology in order to make your audience interactive and your LinkedIn cold-message engaging! Using these methods will help you to get more answers, and once your audience answers you can really personalize your further messaging tailored to the respondent instead of writing generalized cold-messages.

A Little Sneak Peek About Our Next Blog Post

The next blog will provide you with templates that will allow you to put into action what you just learned!

Stay tuned and excited because those templates will make your life easier and way more time-saving. 

We hope we helped you!

See you next time with exclusive templates!

Struggling to find the perfect LinkedIn cold messaging?

We will help you with your LinkedIn cold-messaging. 

Contact us now!
